

About Me

As a founder member, Palak looks at nurturing PalyaWorld since it has been her dream to ‘Make a Difference’ and provide a balanced and overall development to the learners. Her aim is to make learners understand and strengthen their skill set through the exhaustive programs designed for personalized attention. She understands the importance of skill development and the need to ‘Up skill’ these skills through hands on learning. Coming with an experience of almost 8 years in the education industry, she aspires to contribute by providing a platform to the learners which will ‘help them spread their wings and fly in life.’

Key Skill Set

  • English Language subject expert
  • Excels with online tools of teaching
  • Recognized in the field of Education
  • Committed to the promotion of child centric education
  • Aims towards the holistic development of a learner


My objective is to provide ‘liberal education’ to the learners and to help them extend beyond classroom learning by providing them a comprehensive platform to develop their skills. Learners should get an opportunity to broaden their horizon, gain knowledge and skills through a variety of interesting activities offered in PalyaWorld. These activities aim at enhancing their social, emotional, leadership and cultural skills.