About – The PalyaWorld

In today’s transformational era, where disruption and change are the only constants, we mooted the idea of PalyaWorld to help people realise the importance of upskilling. We feel that skill enhancement is essential to survive and thrive. PalyaWorld is a comprehensive gateway to fulfil your aspirations around skill development by bringing to you – comprehensive solutions. These are carefully crafted to meet the needs around specific life skills. Our team of experts that set our curriculum recognise that learning is a continuous activity and hence our solutions cut through all ages. Our teaching-learning process is strengthened by our curriculum and customised learning programs, specially developed to bring out the best in every learner and to empower each one to excel academically, emotionally and socially. We give learning opportunities for holistic growth of individuals.

PalyaWorld’s primary objective is skill enhancement. We believe that augmenting the skillset is more important than curriculum related aspect. While curriculum was and shall always continue to be the cornerstone of child’s education, skills shall always have an overarching and lasting impact on the overall development. At PalyaWorld, we believe in going beyond books and equipping our students with real-life skills that turn out to be invaluable in their corporate career. We employ innovative pedagogy to employ these skills. It is our philosophy that the confidence to handle life comes from knowledge and skills that use this knowledge. Reading a book on “Driving” is not the same as practicing driving. We feel satisfied in providing ace individuals, steeped in contemporary skills and modern outlook, to India and the world.


Our Ideology: Upskill drill to enhance the skill set of the learners.

Every individual comes with their own traits, strengths and skills. Our task is to enhance the skill set for those individuals through various activities (drills). It is these very skills which empower a person to become a complete being. Our curriculum is designed keeping the skill set of each age group in mind and will be delivered by our qualified and trained teachers. We shall make sure that your personality doesn’t shrivel and instead your inner strength blossoms.


Our Vision

Our vision is to provide learners with a platform which helps them express their viewpoint confidently and mould their personality to stand strong against the challenges of the existing world.


Our Teachers

Online education is an experience, and much more than a video being played on a screen. The years’ of on-ground experience that our teachers carry in education sector has helped us create a unique online platform which exactly emulates and goes beyond a physical classroom setting. For embracing and facilitating remote learning, our tutors are carefully selected keeping in mind the veracities of today’s student generation. They undergo rigorous curriculum and soft-skill training to offer their students an incomparable learning experience. Our teachers work in a creative team environment and have the opportunity to use innovative teaching strategies to support authentic, rigorous student outcomes.


Our Courses

Our courses are personalized curated solutions structured around curriculum, life skills and confidence building. The courses are progressive in approach and coincide with the aim to impart both knowledge and skills. The experiential pedagogy empowers the learner to meet the real-life challenges with an objective to guide the learner to be adept and face the challenges this modern society possess. Exhilarating drills covered across various modules ensure commitment to excellence and upskill the learner.